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Can AI (Artificial intelligence) write for you?

AI - Artificial Intelligence

It is now the year 2021, and technology has made some big strides forward so far, and AI has been one of the industries at the forefront of technological advancements. 

AI, also called Artificial Intelligence, is the process of creating intelligent machines that think and behave like humans, if not better. It is a complex, and fascinating field of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines to work like humans, or better than humans.

One simple example is the google search engine, which uses artificial neural networks, and a complex algorithm to produce relevant results for queries while using its form of logic to generate suggestions on what users might like based on their previous searches.

How does AI work?

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can be used in many different situations or fields. 

It works by combining large amounts of data with fast iterative processing and intelligent algorithms allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.

In content writing, the AI is connected to a huge pool of data in order to first learn about linguistics(Syntax, semantics, pragmatics..), to later on be able to string words together, which will lead to paragraphs and eventually long-form content.

AI - Artificial Intelligence

A computer has two main functions: inputting information into the system (like typing words on a keyboard in our case) and processing these inputs for specific tasks (such as doing math problems or writing articles or press releases, etc.) As of now, on a basic level, computers can work with what they’ve been told in advance.

Artificial intelligence will allow us to create expert systems that demonstrate intelligent behavior, learn and advise users. With these advances in mind, we could make breakthroughs in different fields like the medical field. This, for example, could be done so quickly with a new type of artificial intelligence called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which is able to perform any intellectual task at least as well as a human can, given enough time, and data.

One day, we will be able not only to automate many tasks but also have these machines work alongside us with all sorts of useful advice for our every need!

3 Examples of AI in today’s society 

(Not necessarily related to writing but at least giving you an idea on what it can do when given the right data and developed properly):

-Smart assistants like Siri & Google: A virtual assistant, also called digital Assistant is an application program that understands natural language voice commands and completes tasks for the user. These types of assistants use complex algorithms to provide useful information in a blink of an eye.

The idea of having one less thing to worry about has been around since forever but now with these assistants making things much easier by understanding what you want them to do without actually typing out instructions makes life just that little bit easier!

-Self-driving cars: Self-driving cars rely on hardware, software, and sensors to drive down the road without user input. Autonomous cars rely on their complex algorithms that can map out a scenario to avoid accidents or collisions with other vehicles while still maintaining control of speed limits for safety purposes. This means they can make decisions faster than you could ever hope! 

When talking about Self driving cars, the first thing that comes to mind is Tesla (Of course.)The large number of inputs that go into a self-driving car is what makes it so complex–the sensors, actuators, machine learning systems, etc. The hardware collects the data and the software organizes and compiles it together to make sure all functions work seamlessly.

Now, onto the most important question in this article…

 Can AI write for you?

Yes, AI can write content that is readable and also understandable. In fact, this article is 80% written by AI. With enough data, AI can create a coherent chain of thoughts to cover any topic, regardless of the genre. That is because it learns from human behavior when given lots of data and instructions as well.

At this point, it is still arguable whether or not Artificial intelligence is capable of writing content that’s any better than what a human can write. However, it has the potential to create coherent chains of thoughts a hundred times faster than a human can, when provided with data. Which would be impossible for humans without immense amounts of effort and time in research on their part.

You may be thinking “wait, wait. Artificial intelligence can’t write content any better than humans!” I understand you’re skeptical because we are in a time where AI is not capable of writing as well as we human writers do today. However, after reading this paper, partially written by AI, and also learning about how it uses data to create coherent chains of thoughts, I would argue that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to become something great!

In Conclusion

AI - Artificial Intelligence

As you can see, AI is a technology that will not go anywhere anytime soon. We are just scratching the surface of what this technology has to offer in terms of automation and efficiency, which means it’s only going to get better from here, although there still needs some improvement before it reaches perfection!

So, AI is the present and will be our future. Sure, computers can’t write full articles on their own that well just yet! But they are getting better every day with more data being added and processed.

A study made by analytics insights shows that “Around 1,160,000 people are out of work in Canada alone. Although AI helps reduce business costs, it’s set to create some significant problems. As per The Guardian, customer service jobs (85%) will face the highest AI threat by 2021”

So you know what that means? The only thing left for engineers to do is create fully autonomous robot writers that will churn out perfect copies 24/7 without any human involvement whatsoever (Gasp!).

With that being said, you can use AI to generate a rough draft of your content. It will save you time and help you write better content While making the necessary corrections.

It is ALWAYS important to edit and polish your work to add your personal touch.

While everything else seems like a sci-fi movie come true around us, writing has yet to become 100% computerized as most content still needs some sort of input.

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